الجلسة الافتتاحية :18 / 3 / 2023 قاعة الرازي الوقت: 30, 9 – 00,11 صباحا رئيس الجلسة: أ.د. نوال عياش ، مقرر الجلسة : ا.م .د. محمد حسن محمد
ا.م.د عبد الرسول محمود ويس
كلية الرافدين الجامعة – قسم الصيدلة
Keynote Speaker: البحث العلمي ركيزة التطور في الصناعة الدوائية
Prof.Naser Alsharif
Dean School of Pharmacy Lebanese American UniversityKeynote Speaker: Ethical Considerations in research
Clinical Pharmacy
Study the correlation between Integrin Alpha-4 Gene Polymorphisms with Response to Natalizumab Therapy in Multiple Sclerosis Iraqi Patients
عمر صائب
Preparation, In-vitro and Ex-vivo Evaluation of Ondansetron Loaded Invasomes for Transdermal Delivery
الجلسة العلمية الاولى/ الصيدلانيات:18 / 3 / 2023 قاعة الرازي الوقت: 12,00 – 1,15 ظهرا رئيس الجلسة: ا. م. د. خالد كاظم ، مقرر الجلسة : م.د.نوار ميخائيل
علاء عبد الاله
Preparation and characterization of posaconazole as naNomicelles using d-a-tocopheryl polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate
زينب ثابت
Preparation and Characterization of Ganciclovir as NaNostructure Lipid Carrier for Ophthalmic Dosage Form
ريم عبد فارس الربيعي
Preparation and Characterization of Prednisolone Acetate Microemulsion for Ophthalmic Use
سداد عبد الحميد
Design, Development and Formulation of syrups based on non-nutritive non caloric sweetener based syrups, A Comparative Study.
الجلسة العلمية الثانية / الادوية و الصيدلة السريرية:18 / 3 / 2023 قاعة الأنطاكي الوقت: 12,00 – 1,00 ظهرا رئيس الجلسة: ا .م .د شهاب حطاب مطلك ، مقرر الجلسة : م.د. بسمة زهير
نور نوح
Clinical Pharmacy
Factors affecting the severity of COVID-19 patients in Iraq
دارين الهوشاري
Pharmacology & Toxicology
Mucoprotective effect of ellagic acid in 5_FU induced intestinal mucositis
زهراء نصر الله
Clinical Pharmacy
Professional Challenges Facing Iraqi pharmacists working in public hospitals: A Qualitative Study
رشا نصير محمد
Clinical Pharmacy
Pulmonary function in hyperthyroidism by spirometry and the effects of antithyroid therapy
الجلسة العلمية الأولى / الكيمياء صيدلانية – العقاقير :19 / 3 / 2023 قاعة الرازي الوقت: 9,00 –30,10 صباحا رئيس الجلسة: ا .م .د .محمد كامل ، مقرر الجلسة : م. د . ذكاء زهير
عمار علي بيك
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Design and Synthesis of new sulfonamide derivatives as Histone deacetylase inhibitors
زينة القرغولي
Pharmacology & Toxicology
Anti-aging effect of a polyherbal therapy on brain cortex in mice model
اماني توفيق عامر
Isolation and Structural Characterization of Quercetin 3-O-RhamNoside and Essential oil Estimation from Leaves of Iraqi Cupressus sempervirens
زياد نجم الدين
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation of New Pyrazoline Derivatives Containing Sulfonamide Moiety as Anti-Microbial and Anti-inflammatory Agents
الجلسة العلمية الثانية / الكيمياء السريرية – الصيدلة سريرية :19 / 3 / 2023 قاعة الانطاكي الوقت: 9,00 –45,10 صباحا رئيس الجلسة: ا. م. د. ضياء جبار كاظم ، مقرر الجلسة : ا .م .د .علي عبد الحسين
عمر داوود سلمان
Clinical Biochemistry
The probable Association between Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Toxoplasma gondii Infection
رغدة هشام
Clinical Biochemistry
Correlation of serum and urine level of Kidney Injury Molecule-1 in a samples of Iraqi nephropathic type 2 diabetics Mellitus patients
محمد احمد تركي
Clinical Biochemistry
Serum Soluble Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 Level And Its Potential Association With The Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System In Non-Hypertensive COVID-19 Patients: An Observational Study
حنبن صبحي
Clinical Biochemistry
Effects of carNosine synthase -1 gene polymorphism on serum carNosine levels in a sample of Iraqi type 2 diabetics with cardio vascular diseases
الجلسة العلمية الثالثة / الكيمياء صيدلانية – العقاقير :19 / 3 / 2023 قاعة الرازي الوقت: 12,00 –00,1 ظهرا رئيس الجلسة: ا. م .د .اياد عبد علي ، مقرر الجلسة : م. د نبأ محمد إبراهيم
ساكار دلشاد
The wound-healing potential of Iraqi Origanum majorana L n-hexane and ethyl acetate fractions in a rat model of excisional wound repair : Pre-clinical test
يحيى محمد
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
In Silico Study for Selisistat Derivatives as Sirtuin 1-3 Inhibitors
حيدر محمد جابر
Pharmacology & Toxicology
Evaluate the genotoxicity of two different doses of methanolic extract of Vitex negundo (leaf) on bone marrow , spleen and peripheral blood cells in mice
علي مصطفى سعيد
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Molecular Docking, ADMET Study, Synthesis, and Characterization of Potential Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors with Isoxazole as New Zinc Binding Group
اليوم الثاني 19 / 3 / 2023
No |
Dept. | Name |
Title |
1 | Clinical | زيد سبتي | The perceptions of general population about mental health services in Iraq: a qualitative study |
2 | Clinical | ريم الدمعي | Study the relationship between vitamin D3 and its receptor with serum calcium and inorganic phosphorus level in Iraqi bronchial asthmatic children |
3 | Clinical | سمية باهر | Study of the reliability of serum vascular endothelial growth factor and its soluble receptor as markers of diabetic nephropathy in type 2 diabetes patients #41 |
4 | Clinical | علي عبد الرضا | The role of urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin to distinguish steroid responsiveness in Iraqi children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome |
5 | Clinical | حسن رائد | Comparison between Reference Infliximab (Remicade) and its Biosimilar (Remsima) in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Field-based Pharmacoeconomic Study |
6 | Clinical | زينة عبد الحميد | Effects of olanzapine on blood sugar, blood pressure, and lipid profile in a sample of Iraqi schizophrenic patients |
7 | Clinical | محمد جميل | The impact of implementing a pharmacist-led deprescribing program on adherence and medication burden in hemodialysis patients |
8 | Clinical | جاسم قاسم | The impact of pharmacist intervention on antibiotic use in pediatric wards |
9 | Clinical | قاسم مهدي | Impact of Gene Polymorphism on The Outcome of Methotrexate Treatment In A Sample of Iraqi Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients |
10 | Pharma | زهراء معن | Possible Protective Anticancer effect of Ethanol Fraction of Iraqi Hibiscus Tiliaceus L. Leaves Extract on Diethylnitrosamine-induced Hepatocarcinogenesis in Male Rats |
11 | Pharma | عباس مسلم | Possible effects of vitamin D3 and levofloxacin on selected haematology parameter of rats |
12 | Pharma | دعاء عدنان | Possible Protective Effect of Low Dose of Papaverine on ANIT Induce Cholestasis in Rat |
13 | Pharma | يوسف هاشم | Evaluation the Anti-inflammatory Effect of Omega 369 against Acetaminophen- Induced Hepatotoxicity in mice |
14 | Pharma | زينب ذنون | Possible anti-asthmatic effect of Iraqi Ammi majus seeds extract against asthma induced by ovalbumin in mice |
15 | Pharmacognosy | شيرين مجيد | Investigation the Activity of Iraqi Agave attenuata on in Vitro Growth of Cutaneous Leishmania Promastigotes |
16 | Pharm. Chem. | حمزة فاضل | Synthesis and Characterization of Some New Isatin Derivatives containing Chalcone Moiety with Expected Antimicrobial Activity |
17 | Pharm. Chem. | احمد عبد الواحد سعدون | Synthesis of 1,2-Diphenyl Hydrazine Chalcone Derivatives From Mephenesin |
18 | Pharm. Chem. | علياء علي | Synthesis, Characterization, and Preliminary Pharmacological Evaluation of New Ketorolac-Hydrazones Derivatvies |
19 | Pharm. Chem. | هيجاء محسن موسى | Docking, Molecular Dynamic Simulation, and ADMET Study for New Hydroxamate Derivatives as Possible Selective HDAC Inhibitors |
20 | Pharmaceutics | حوراء كريم | formulation and characterization of eplerenone nanocrystal as oral delivery system |
21 | Pharmaceutics | احمد كمكم | Natural Oil Nanoemulsion-Based Gel Vehicle for Enhancing Antifungal Topical Use of Luliconazole |
22 | Pharmaceutics | علي كاظم | Preparation, invitro and invivo characterization of Azelnidipine loaded polymeric micelles nanoparticles for oral administration |
23 | Pharmaceutics | عامر سجاد | ketoconazole-loaded bilosomes as topical hydrogel #106 |
24 | Pharmaceutics | رسل وهاب | Preparation and characterization of dutasteride nanoparticles as oral drug delivery system |
25 | Pharmaceutics | سارة رحمن | Solubility and dissolution rate enhancement of simvastatin by adsorption technique : Preparation of oral solid dosage form |
26 | Pharmaceutics | طيف مهند | Preparation and In-Vitro Evaluation of Propranolol Hydrochloride as Topical Nanoemulsion Based Gel for Significant Impacting Infantile Hemangiom |
27 | Pharmaceutics | حسين جعفر | Preparation of idebenone as a thermosensitive nasal gel for better bioavailability |
28 | Pharmaceutics | سجى عبد الكريم | Meloxicam self-micro emulsifying drug delivery system |
29 | Pharmaceutics | صبا عبد الهادي | Lasmiditannanoemulsion-based in-situ-gel Intra nasal dosage form:Formulation, Characterization and Iv-vivo study |
30 | Pharmaceutics | زهراء محمد | Preparation and characterization of Isradipine as surfactant free dry emulsion |
31 | Pharmaceutics | حيدر يحيى | Metal Organic Frameworks in Drug Delivery #31 |
32 | Pharmaceutics | نور البصام | Studying the Effect of Variables on a Novel Vesicular Carrier Intended for Transdermal Delivery of an Anthraquinone Derivative |
33 | Pharmaceutics | سامر خالد | Bilosomes as soft nanovesicular carriers for enhanced oral delivery of ropinirole hydrochloride: Preparation and In- vitro characterization #36 |
34 | Pharmaceutics | غادة حامد | Formulation, characterization and in vivo study of nisoldipine loaded bilosomes for an oral delivery |
35 | Pharmaceutics | سري عبد | Cilnidipine Nanocrystals Solid Oral Dosage Form : Preparation ,Characterization and Ex-vivo Study |
36 | Pharmaceutics | كريم خضير | Formulation and In vitro Evaluation of Meclizine Hydrocloride as Thermosensitive in situ Gel |
37 | Pharmaceutics | مريم حامد | Formulation and Evaluation of Bilastine Solid Dispersion as an Oral Dosage Form |
اليوم الأول 18 / 3 / 2023
No |
Dept. | Name |
Title |
1 | Clinical | سارة جعفر | Comparison between the effects of older versus newer generations of antiepileptic drugs on bone metabolism in adult Iraqi patients |
2 | Clinical | محمد عبد الحسن | Evaluation of the Effects of Adiponectin and Other Obesity Biomarkers in Obese Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Patients |
3 | Clinical | اخلاص خماس | Study of association between MDR gene polymorphism and response to Imatinib and incidence of adverse effects in a sample of Iraqi patients with chronic myeloid leukemia |
4 | Clinical | رند مثنى | Association of DNA repair genes genetic polymorphisms with Colorectal Cancer risk among Iraqi colorectal cancer patients |
5 | Clinical | ميرنا كفاح | Influence of the High Mobility Group A1 genetic polymorphism (rs139876191) on indices of metabolic syndrome and response to oral anti-diabetic therapy in the Iraqi population. |
6 | Clinical | فاضل إبراهيم | Predictors of Oxidative Stress in Type 2 Diabetic Patients Using Gliclazide Modified Release or Glimepiride Add-on Therapy: A Comparative Study |
7 | Clinical | ندى حميد | Evaluation of anxiety and depression among a sample of hypothyroidism-treated Iraqi patients |
8 | Clinical | علياء حسين | Early Biomarkers of Cardiotoxicity : Troponin I and T, CK-MB in HER2 Positive Breast Cancer Women After Treatment With Trastuzamab |
9 | Clinical | نور محمد | Study the association between bone turnover markers with vit.D level in postmenopausal osteoporotic females after vit.D3 supplementation |
10 | Clinical | رقية كريم | Factors associated with adherence, diabetic knowledge and practices to wards insulin self-administration among with Type 1 DM : in Iraq |
11 | Pharma | سارة الكناني | Protective Effect of Cafestol on Doxorubicin-induced Genotoxicity in Rats |
12 | Pharma | هبة زكي | Protective Effect of Daidzein on Ifosfamide-induced Neurotoxicity via Improving some Selected Oxidative Stress Parameters in Male |
13 | Pharma | صيا خلدون | Possible anti-obesity effect of two-graded doses of Iraqi Hibiscus tiliaceus leaves extract alone and combination with orlistat on high fat diet induced-obesity in male rats |
14 | Pharma | سجى كريم | Evaluation of the possible Renoprotective effect of omega-369 against cisplatin – Induced Nephrotoxicity in mice |
15 | Pharma | ياسمين شاكر | Citronellol exerts renal anti-inflammatory effect through inhibiting NF-κB pathway in Rhabdomyolysis-induced acute kidney injury in mice |
16 | Pharma | زكريا المشهداني | Cinnamic acid and 2-deoxy-D-glucose enhance the therapeutic efficacy of Erlotinib in non-small-cell lung carcinoma cells |
17 | Pharma | سامر شكر محمد | Anti-inflammatory Effects of Topically Applied Azilsartan in a Mouse Model of Imiquimod-induced Psoriasis |
18 | Pharma | دعاء علاء | Incidence of peripheral neuropathy in breast cancer women on paclitaxel |
19 | Pharma | علي امال الدين مجيد | Incidence of hand foot syndrome in patients with breast cancer on capecitabine treatment |
20 | Pharma | رائد فضل عباس | Effect of capecitabine on tumor marker 15.3, Estradiol and Calcium levels in breast cancer women |
21 | Pharmacognosy | سرى باسم | Cytotoxic Activity of the Ethyl Acetate Extract of the Iraqi Carica papaya Leaves in Breast and Lung Cancer Cell Lines |
22 | Pharmacognosy | رشا عبد الرضا | Antibacterial activity and phytochemical study of Iraqi Euonymus japonicus L. Root extract |
23 | Pharm. Chem. | نور علي حسين | Synthesis, Characterization, and Preliminary Evaluation of Antimicrobial activity of New Imines derived from Vanillic Acid Conjugated to Heterocyclic 4H– 1,2,4-Triazole-3-Thiol |
24 | Pharm. Chem. | تقى حسن | Synthesis of New Pyrimidine Derivatives From 3-Acetylcoumarin–Chalcone Hybrid and Evaluation of Their Antimicrobial Activity |
25 | Pharm. Chem. | ميرفت محمد | Synthesis, Characterization and Preliminary Pharmacological Evaluation of New 2-Pyrazoline derivatives derived from natural Phenolic compounds |
26 | Pharm. Chem. | مصطفى محمود مخلف | Synthesis, Characterization, and Preliminary Antimicrobial Evaluation of Schiff bases and Mannich Bases of Isatin and 5-Fluoroisatin |
27 | Pharm. Chem. | شيماء كنعان | Synthesis and Preliminary Pharmacological Evaluation of New Pyrazoline Derivatives |
28 | Pharmaceutics | هبة محمد سوزة | Taste Masked Prednisolone Orodispersible Tablets |
29 | Pharmaceutics | زينب مهدي |
Formulation and Evaluation of Ebastine Co-Crystals as Oral Solid Dosage Form |
30 | Pharmaceutics | احمد سعد | Preparation and in-vitro evaluation of topical hydrogel containing clobetasol microsponge |
31 | Pharmaceutics | بشرى مالك | Formulation and in vitro / in vivo evaluation of silymarin solid dispersion based topical gel for wound healing |
32 | Pharmaceutics | همسة ياسين | Preparation And Characterization of Repaglinide Nanoparticle as an Oral Dosage Form |
33 | Pharmaceutics | منار عدنان | Brain Targeted Intranasal Delivery of Mucoadhesive Amisulpride Loaded Nanostructured Lipid Carrier: Formulation, In-Vitro Evaluation and In-Vivo Study |
34 | Pharmaceutics | محمد اقدام | Formulation and Characterization of Risperidone Polymer-Lipid Based Nano System for Intranasal Delivery |
35 | Pharmaceutics | بشار كريم | Preparation and Evaluation of Phospholipid Solid Dispersion of Atorvastatin Calcium as an Oral Solid Dosage Form |
36 | Pharmaceutics | رؤى عبد الله | Preparation and evaluation of cilindipine Nanoparticle as oral drug delivery |
37 | Pharmaceutics | هبة اياد عزيز | Preparation and characterization of Telmisartan complex using different approaches as oral solid dosage form |
38 | Pharmaceutics | اشراق كاظم عباس | Design, Optimization and Characterization of Self-Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery Systems of Bilastine |
39 | Pharmaceutics | محمد ليث حمزة | Brain TargettedIntranasal Delivery of Insitu gel loaded Frovatriptan Succinate Binary Ethosomes( Preparation in vitro and in vivo evaluation) |
40 | Clinical | نور نوح | Mortality in hospitalized patients With COVID-19 in Iraq: A single -center study |
Author Gridline
Interested in submitting to thisCurrent Challenges and Updates in Pharmacy Education and Research . Authors need to register with the https://events.uobaghdad.edu.iq/event/4548/. To submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the steps process.
Show MoreManuscript Submission:
The submission instructions for the Updates in Pharmaceutical Sciences research of the University of Baghdad College of Pharmacy (March 15th-16th, 2023):
- The submission due date will be 11 PM on February 25, 2023.
- The submission should be done through the conference website (after registering in the Indico).
- There will be Two types of the conference participations: Live presentation (10-15 minutes), person poster exhibition .
- All the submissions will be reviewed by the Conference Scientific Committee to determine its acceptance and the type of presentation/participation.
- If the authors/presenters are willing to submit the manuscript for publications in the Iraqi Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJPS)(Scopus indexed), the unpublished manuscripts can undergo initial peer-reviews by the conference Scientific Committee to determine its eligibility and can be referred to the college journal (IJPS) to undergo a regular peer-review process of the journal and in case of acceptance by the journal reviewers (please see the IJPS instructions and fees). https://bijps.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/bijps
- There will be special issue of the IJPS for the conference.
- Presenters should provide their email to be contacted by the Scientific Committee by email in case of acceptance.
- Accepted submissions should have the conference logo in the fist slide of the presentation and on the hard copy of the poster .
- Presenters should email their slides and softcopy of the poster to the Scientific Committee at least a week before the conference via [email protected] and [email protected].
With regards of The Scientific Committee of the Conference
- Clinical Pharmacy
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Pharmacognosy
- Clinical Chemistry
Conference Program Schedule March 18-19 ,2023
Keynote Speakers
Assist. Prof. Dr.Abdulrasool M . Wayyes
Head of the Faculty of Pharmacy , Al-Rafidain University College
Prof.Naser Alsharif
Dean School of Pharmacy Lebanese American University
Assistant Prof. Dr. Sarmad H. Kadhum
University of Baghdad College of Pharmacy, The Dean of the College of Pharmacy
Scientific Committee
Prof. Dr. Shatha Hussein Ali
University of Baghdad, College of Pharmacy Head of The Scientific Committee
Lecturer Dr.Khalid K. Al-Kinani
University of Baghdad, College of Pharmacy
Lecturer Dr.Duraid H. Al-Amily
University of Baghdad, College of Pharmacy
Lecturer Dr.Zakaa Z. Abduljalel
University of Baghdad, College of Pharmacy
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali Faris Hussein
University of Baghdad/ College of Pharmacy
Organizing Committee
Prof. Dr. Eman Saadi
College of Pharmacy, University of Baghdad, Head of the Organizing Committee
Assist.Prof. Tagreed N. Omer
University of Baghdad/ College of Pharmacy
Assistant Prof. Dr. Salema S. Salman
University of Baghdad/ College of Pharmacy
Lecturer Dr. Kawther K. Ahmed
University of Baghdad/ College of Pharmacy
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali Abd. Kasim
University of Baghdad / College of Pharmacy
Lecturer Mais F. Mohammed
University of Baghdad/ College of Pharmacy
Assist. Prof. Dr. Samer Emad
University of Baghdad/ College of Pharmacy
Conference Goals
- Introduce the recent trends in pharmacy education and basis for curriculum updates and the challenges towards accreditation
- Discuss research, development and practice in areas of : pharmacology, clinical pharmacy, clinical chemistry, pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy.
- Highlight the contribution of pharmaceutical research to discuss key aspects of challenges in health practice in Iraq.

The College of Pharmacy was established in 1936 due to the urgent need to prepare pharmacists and chemists with scientific and technical competence to carry out pharmaceutical services and chemical analyzes in Iraq. The first group (12 students) graduated with the degree of chemical pharmacist. The college was officially the College of Pharmacy and Royal Chemistry until 1958/1959, when the College of Pharmacy was attached to the University of Baghdad . In 1960 / 1959 , the certificate awarded to college graduates became a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy, and in 1972/1973, graduate studies were established in the college to study masters in four scientific fields: pharmaceutical chemistry , drugs and medicinal plants, toxins , and pharmacies. In 1975 / 1976 , a PhD study was introduced in pharmaceutical chemistry , and in 1979 / 1980 , the college adopted the semester system for Studying.