With the support of his college, a faculty member (Dr. Ali Azeez Al-Jumaili) at the University of Baghdad College of Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacy Department, led an international research team from 5 Arab countries and 2 American universities in a multi-country study including 12 Arab countries to measure the factors influencing Job satisfactions among pharmacists in the Arab World. The manuscript was published on March 4, 2023, in Q1 Journal (Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal with a Cite Score of 7.4) according to Scopus Index, which is under the ELSEIVER publisher. Purpose: This study was undertaken to investigate in-depth the factors impacting job satisfaction among pharmacists in the Arab world and the challenges they encounter in their career paths. Method: This qualitative study collected responses from pharmacists in 12 Arab countries, as part of a large quantitative survey. Results: A total of 110 responses and comments were received from the study participants. The two largest practice settings of the participants were hospitals (44.5%) and community pharmacies (28.2 %). The survey data demonstrated several reasons impacting job satisfaction among pharmacists practicing in Arab countries. Underestimation of the pharmacists’ role, low salaries, a lack of motivation, and excessive workload were reported as major contributors to job dissatisfaction. On the other hand, professional commitment and the culture of the work setting were the major contributors to job satisfaction. Conclusions: The study provides valuable insights into aspects concerning pharmacists’ satisfaction in the Arab world. Policymakers and other stakeholders need to act upon aspects of pharmacists’ job satisfaction and dissatisfaction to ensure a potentially better working environment and patient outcomes.
For more details, below is the study link: