Under the supervision of the Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Associate Professor Dr. Sarmed H. Kathum Alkhateeb, the Scientific Affairs Unit in the College of Pharmacy/University of Baghdad held an in-person seminar delivered by the MSc student in the Clinical Pharmacy Department, pharmacist Melad Mohammed Ali Kadhum, about the role of pharmacist in the medication reconciliation service during hospital discharge in a public teaching hospital in Iraq, which is part of the full study of the MSc degree for the student and under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Ali A. Al-Jumaili. The seminar, which was held in the Clinical Pharmacy Department for postgraduate students, provided a comprehensive overview of the effect of the pharmacist-led medication reconciliation service before hospital discharge on preventing potential medication errors. Medication reconciliation and a reconciliation form were provided to the patients. The study showed that pharmacist-led medication reconciliation is pivotal to addressing potential medication errors before the patient is discharged from the hospital to their home. Those unintentional medication errors might be serious and cause harm to patients. Thus, hopefully medication reconciliation services can be adopted at hospitals for patients with multiple medications before discharge to enhance medication safety.