The College of Pharmacy discussed the Higher Diploma thesis entitled “Knowledge and Adherence of Patients with Atrial Fibrillation to Oral Anticoagulants” by the student Aya Faleh Nsaif Jasim and the supervisor, Lecturer Dr. Basma Zuhair Muhammad Naji, at the Clinical Pharmacy Department. The study aimed to evaluate patients’ knowledge and adherence to oral anticoagulants. This study was conducted on patients taking oral anticoagulants for three months or more at Ibn Al-Bitar Cardiac Surgery Hospital in Baghdad, Iraq. The study included a review and evaluation of the anticoagulant medications used by patients based on a program prepared by the pharmacist. The results of the study showed that the majority of patients participating in the study did not have sufficient knowledge about oral anticoagulants. And through the results reached, the study recommended that there is a need for educational programs and training courses to raise the level of knowledge about the importance of oral anticoagulants.

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