The Iraqi Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences upgrades to the second quarter (Q2) within the pharmaceutical disciplines of the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR). The Iraqi Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences entered Scopus in 2018 as a leading journal with a solid scientific history, where it is published by the College of Pharmacy/University of Baghdad. Founded in 1979 as a biannual specialized scientific journal for the publication of research related to pharmaceutical and medical sciences, the journal’s numbers were increased to be quarterly instead of biannually to accommodate the research sent to the journal and to publish it faster. To date, thirty-three volumes and fifty-seven issues have been published, and according to the latest Scopus survey statistic in April, 314 research has been indexed, collecting approximately 447 citations for research in the journal of the College of Pharmacy, and accordingly, the cite score has risen from 0.9 to 1.4. While the journal continues its endeavor with deliberate and steady steps within a plan developed by the Deanship of the College to develop the journal and improve its arrangement in the international compilations, to keep the results up-to-date, and to keep up with the rapid scientific development, The Journal welcomes the reception of scientific research within its specialty for researchers from inside and outside the country.