Under the patronage of the Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Professor Dr. Sarmed H. Kathem Alkhateeb and as part of the extracurricular activities, our college organized a trip to the city of Samarra for fifth-year students, accompanied by a group of faculty members. The trip began with an educational visit to the State Company for the Manufacture of Drugs and Medical Supplies to observe the industrial-scale drug manufacturing processes, integrating this with what the students had learned during their theoretical and laboratory studies. The Director-General of the company, Chemical Engineer Mohammed Abdul Qadir Al-Naimi, welcomed the group, emphasizing the importance of the pharmaceutical industry and the fundamental role of pharmacists, as they represent the cornerstone of this industry. Following this, the group visited the company’s active production lines, and then proceeded to the quality control laboratories to learn about the equipment used to test pharmaceutical products and raw materials, as well as the methods employed in testing, particularly those mentioned in globally recognized pharmacopeias. Afterward, the faculty members and students visited the Malwiya Minaret, which was constructed during the Abbasid era in 237 AH (Islamic calendar). Finally, the group visited the shrine of the two holy Imams (peace be upon them), where the holy shrine, in cooperation with the federal police personnel, provided special transportation within the shrine and offered all the necessary facilities to complete the visit. This trip to Samarra is the third consecutive one, and our college is committed to organizing it annually to provide as many of our students as possible with the opportunity to benefit from such activities.

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