Under the supervision of the Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Associate Professor Dr. Sarmed H. Kathum Alkhateeb, the Continuing Education Unit at the University of Baghdad/College of Pharmacy, held a training course entitled “Promoting Integrity Concepts in Public Service and Principles of Official Letters,”  which lasted for three days from 10 to 12/3/2024, presented by Lecturer Bushra Abbas Mohammed, official of the Human Resources Division, Legal Consultant Mortadha Abdul Hussein Hasan, and Associate Legal Consultant Mayada Tariq Abdullah. The course included several lectures distributed on the days of the session, where the first day featured a lecture that clarified concepts such as personal requests, internal memoranda, official letters, the professional code of conduct, and report preparation. On the second day, a lecture was delivered explaining the details of administrative orders, organizational structure, the chain of command, disciplinary penalties law, and the law on crimes related to public service and employee misconduct. The third day included an exam for the participants in the course. Based on the discussions, it became evident that there is a general lack of administrative information among the participants, particularly because they are newly employed. However, upon reviewing the results of the participants’ exam during the course, it was found that the level of benefit from the information provided was good. The course recommended expanding participation in such courses to include all staff members of the college who are in need of developing their administrative skills, in addition to making participation mandatory for newly appointed employees. Furthermore, it was suggested that such courses be held annually or semi-annually according to the needs of the college staff. Additionally, extending the duration of the course to one week for newly appointed employees who have no prior administrative experience and three days for heads of departments, administrative units, and administrative practitioners was proposed. This course is the first of its kind organized at our college for new employees.

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