Under the supervision of the Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Associate Professor Dr. Sarmed H. Kathum Alkhateeb, the Student Employment and Development  Unit at the University of Baghdad/ College of Pharmacy held an in-person workshop entitled “Identifying the roles of clinical pharmacists in hospital”was  delivered by Clinical Pharmacist Haider Muhammed (From Al-Kindy Hospital) in collaboration with Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Azeez Ali, a faculty member at the Clinical Pharmacy Department on April 25, 2024. The workshop aimed to clarify the roles of clinical pharmacists in hospitals. The workshop included several topics including exploring the requirement of the first year of the Clinical Pharmacy Program in addition to identifying the duties and unique professional characteristics of clinical pharmacists. The workshop concluded that pharmacists and particularly clinical pharmacists have critical roles to enhance the medications safety of inpatients by preventing medication errors in hospitals. The graduated students can apply to the Clinical Pharmacy program after they pass the competition exam organized by the Ministry of Health after graduation.


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