Associate Professor Dr. Sarmed H. Kathem Alkhateeb, the respected Dean of the College of Pharmacy at the University of Baghdad, along with Associate Professor. Ali Azeez Ali, from the Clinical Pharmacy Department, and Lecturer Dr. Muthanna Saadi Al-Tai, from the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department, attended the First International Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference organized by the College of Pharmacy at the University of Misan in cooperation with the Misan Syndicate of pharmacists on November 30 and December 1, 2024. The conference was also attended by Chairman of the Misan Provincial Council, President of the University of Misan, and the Head of the Iraqi Pharmacists Syndicate, Dr. Haidar Fouad Al-Saigh along with several deans of pharmacy colleges from across Iraq. In the conference’s opening session, AssociateProfessor Dr. Ali Azeez Ali presented a lecture on bacterial resistance in Iraq and the achievements of the College of Pharmacy at the University of Baghdad in raising awareness about this critical issue, which affects public health and is a matter of concern for the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization. This participation and similar activities are part of an effort to exchange scientific expertise, keep up with developments, and stay informed about the latest research advancements. The aim is to benefit from research results to enhance the academic environment and contribute to community service and healthcare