Under the supervision of the Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Associate Professor Dr. Sarmed H. Kathum Alkhateeb, the Scientific Affairs Unit at the University of Baghdad/College of Pharmacy, held an in-person scientific seminar on “Can Educational Programs Reduce Disease Complications among Patients with Low Health Literacy?” delivered by Assistant Professor Zinah M. Anwer, a faculty member at the Clinical Pharmacy Department. The seminar aimed to raise knowledge about the definition of health literacy and the reasons for the increasing interest in it in the last few decades. The seminar also clarified the role of educational programs in decreasing complications of chronic diseases and the effect of using different types of such programs on different community members. The seminar included several topics, such as the reasons for the interest in health literacy, demonstrating its impact on patients with low health literacy, presenting recent studies in this regard, and illustrating the recent studies regarding health literacy.

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